Hide Loading

Just like showLoading, this will hide the loading animation for a component. Best to use this when your promise resolves.


id string
The ID of the component you wish to stop loading


Does not return anything.

  import { validateInputs, showToast, getFormData, showLoading, hideLoading } from "bubbles-ui";

  const formInputs = [
      type: "text",
      id: "name.first", //the id that will be shown if there is an error
      label: "Your First Name",
      value: "Jamie",
      desc: "You'll be able to change this name later",
      error: "A name is required",
      validation: "string|required", //the validation requirements that will be run
      validate_on_blur: true,
      vob: true,
      type: "text",
      id: "name.last", //the id that will be shown if there is an error
      label: "Your Last Name",
      value: "Jones",
      desc: "You'll be able to change this name later",
      error: "A name is required",
      validation: "string|required", //the validation requirements that will be run
      validate_on_blur: true,
      vob: true,
      type: "number",
      id: "favorite_number", //the id that will be shown if there is an error
      label: "Your favorite number",
      value: 5,
      desc: "Pick any number!",
      error: "Please select a number",
      validation: "numeric|required", //the validation requirements that will be run
      validate_on_blur: true,
      vob: true,
      type: "submit",
      label: "Submit Form",
      onsubmit: async (event) => {
        //the onsubmit and onclick function on buttons will give you the event param
        //if you want to toggle the loading state on your button while doing a networking request
        //just use showLoading() and pass in the id
        //An id will automatically be assigned to the button for you

        const button_id = event.currentTarget.id;

        try {
          //if there are any errors, calling validateInputs will automatically show error states for
          //all components that have failed validation

          await validateInputs(toastExampleFormInputs); //if any inputs fail validation, the promise will be rejected
          const data = await getFormData(toastExampleFormInputs);
          const res = await fetch("/api/your-endpoint", {
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
              "Content-Type": "application/json",
            credentials: "include", //if using ssr
            body: JSON.stringify(data),
          const data = await res.json();
          showToast("Your account was successfully updated", "success");
        } catch (error) {
          showToast(error.message, "error");
        } finally {